Hell Within
Albumarbeiten abgeschlossen!


HELL WITHIN haben die Arbeiten an ihrem Album “Shadows Of Vanity” abgeschlossen. Das Album wurde in den Audio Hammer Studios (TRIVIUM, BURY YOUR DEAD, GOD FORBID) aufgenommen und wird von Tom Morris gemastert werden. Im deutschsprachigen Raum soll das Album am 18. Mai erscheinen.

Tony Zimmerman von HELL WITHIN äußerte sich zu dem Album: “Long time no speak. Well, here is what’s been going on with Hell Within. The new Hell Within album “Shadows of Vanity” is done being recorded and mixed. We can’t wait for everyone to hear it. The album sounds amazing and we are very proud of it. Now all that’s left is for it to be mastered. That will be done by the beginning of Feb 07 and the art work will be done in Feb 07 as well. We’re shooting for a mid May 07 release for the album, so in May get to the stores and buy it! The other thing we have going on is a tour with our good friends The Autumn Offering and our soon to be friends Autumn Black. The Tour will start 3/1 and take us until the end of the month. It will cover the East Coast and go over to TX then up the middle of the country. To get all the details go to our shows page, there are more dates being added every day. Everyone get your asses out to see us when we rape and pillage your town.”

Alle weiteren Infos zu HELL WITHIN könnt Ihr der Website der Band oder ihrer Myspacesite entnehmen: (Link), (Link)

Quelle: Lifeforce Records
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