Over and out


Es steht nicht gut um die Zukunft der schwedischen Crustcore-Punks SKITSYSTEM. Im Folgenden der frische Blog-Eintrag ihrer MySpace-Seite:

„The end is drawing closer…

Ok, it´s nothing but hard to deliver the news about SKITSYSTEM´s status right now. We are doing 4 shows in Norway, these will be the LAST time ever to see us on Norwegian soil! After this it might be one or two gigs in Sweden to say good bye for a long time, maybe forever.

I took the descision to jump of the wagon a couple of weeks ago, there has been too much turmoil within the band for a long time for various reasons and I can´t really handle it anymore. Im really trying to cut down on drinking, i have started medication, so called „happy pills“ since 2 months back and Im starting to feel better for each day. So, after these obligations I will not be able to continue for several reasons, one main thing is that I will change my schedule at work, which basically means i will work more weekends which means I cant spare any free weekends for the band playing live. But the mainthing for me is to feel good…

Anyway, all the members has other projects going on, Micke has MARTYRDÖD and SANCTUARY IN BLASPHEMY plus a new band with Kalle on drums and Memfis from MOTORBREATH on guitar. Alex has his bands STRAIGHT EDGE MY WAY and ODIUM. Myself, I have an yet untitled project which i hope can record something sometime next year. It might still be a possibility of SKITSYSTEM recording some songs for an EP or whatever, we will see…

So, I cant really say that we will NEVER EVER play again, but right now it looks to be a very small possibility for a really long time, we all need to sort things out in our personal lifes first.

Over and out freaks!

//Fred Wallenberg, Guitar/vocals – Gothenburg 2007/10/30″

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