All Shall Perish
Neues Demo mit neuem Sänger!


Die Oakland-Deathcoreler ALL SHALL PERISH haben einen neuen Demotrack namens „Eradication“ mit einem neuen Sänger namens Eddie Hermida aufgenommen. Zusammen mit ihrem neuen Leadgitarrist Chris Storey ist das Songwriting zu ihrem zweiten, noch unbetitelten Album fast abgeschlossen.

Hier ein Statement der Band:
„After touring with some of the best in hardcore and death metal, we really got inspired to take this band full on in both directions and I’m sure everyone will hear the influence. All I can say is thank you so much to people like Erik Rutan, Derek Roddy, Roger Merit and Vinnie Stigma….thanks for being true inspirations. We have parted ways with our vocalist Craig Betit and he remains a friend for life to all of us and is livin‘ it up on the east coast makin‘ bank; we all wish him the best of luck. Our new material will have something for every heavy music fan! We have all matured musically (some of us were only 18 at the time of the last album), you can expect a lot of variation amongst the songs….we are again ready to rock, bitches!“

Den neuen Song könnt Ihr unter folgendem (Link) anchecken.

Quelle: Nuclear Blast
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