Bolt Thrower
Poll zu Wackenauftritt


Die englischen Deathmetaller BOLT THROWER haben auf ihrer Webseite eine Umfrage gestartet, ob sie auf dem kommenden Wacken auftreten sollen, oder nicht. Die Band in einem Statement:

„As most of you probably know, BOLT THROWER don’t like to play festivals, but as a lot of you want to see us playing festivals, we try and play at least one festival a year. After receiving numerous offers, we now have to choose which festival to play next summer, and would like you to help us decide.

As BOLT THROWER are not financially driven, the fee is pretty irrelevant, as is whether we play to 1,000 people or 100,000. Our main requirement would be to have our usual merchandise / meet and greet booth, with no price restrictions.

Wacken Open Air festival have asked us again to play next summer, and the date would fit in with the gap in our planned recording and mixing schedule for next year. A lot of you have asked us to play Wacken over the years, and a lot of you have advised us not to play it, for various reasons.

So now, we would like you to help us decide by taking part in the following poll.“

Den Poll findet Ihr unter diesem (Link) auf ihrer Homepage.

Quelle: Bolt Thrower
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