Drummer stirbt bei Autounfall!


BAYSIDE-Drummer John Holohan ist bei einem tragischen Autounfall auf dem Highway ums Leben gekommen.

Während BAYSIDE auf dem Weg zu einem ihrer Gigs der Bayside „Never Sleep Again“-Tour zusammen mit ihren Freunden und Labelmates von HAWTHORNE HEIGHTS, SILVERSTEIN und AIDEN, starb ihr Drummer John „Beatz“ Holohan, als der Fahrer über den Van die Kontrolle verlor, nachdem er auf einem Stück vereister Fahrbahn ins Schleudern gekommen war. Bassist Nick Ghanbarian erlitt ebenfalls schwere Verletzungen. Die anderen Bandmitglieder Anthony und Jack sind glücklicherweise schon aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen worden. Einige Mitglieder der Crew liegen jedoch noch in der Klinik.

Wer Johns Familie eine Spende zukommen lassen möchte, kann sie via Paypal auf den John Holohan Bayside Memorial Fund überweisen: (Link)

Tony Brummel von Victory Records hinterließ folgende Message:
„It is with great sadness that I forward this message. John Beatz was an integral part of Victory’s Artist Family. He was a gifted, caring and special human being. He epitomized that NYC, street-smart, rock musician flair in everything he did. As a Chicago guy, I always felt like I was communicating with a brother from another neighborhood on the other side of one big city. He made the music. I got it into the stores and helped make people aware that it existed.
John was the type of Artist that I always wanted to fight for. He was appreciative and wanted to win not only for himself, but, more importantly, for the team. His phone calls and daily e-mail updates were always a reminder as to why I am in this business. I will miss them. Every time I heard from him he told me that he was ‚having the time of his life.‘ He played every show like it would be his last. None of us were ready for that show to end.
The ‚Beatz‘ will go on and will never be forgotten.“

Quelle: Gordeon

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