Michael Schenker


MICHAEL SCHENKER hat die Tour mit YNGWIE MALMSTEEN abgesagt. Folgendes Statement wurde veröffentlicht:

„I am sorry to tell you that I have to cancel MSG’s upcoming tour with YNGWIE MALMSTEEN. It has turned out to be a catastrophe. The tour I agreed to was a co-headline deal with Yngwie closing the show. I was fine with this because he plays so loud and it would tend to deafen the delicate ears of my fans. However, reports have been coming in via e-mail, by phone, etc., that I was advertised only as a special guest. Yngwie himself was advertising it on his website that way too. MSG was not even mentioned on the London Hammersmith tickets. This is an insult to MSG and myself

I consulted with my brother Rudolph and he who usually finds a positive way out suggested that I should not do these concerts. I was hoping that it could have been straightened out, but, to date this situation has not been corrected. I need 20 days to put this unique event — 25 Years MSG celebration set — together and cannot at this late date. This tour could have been saved, but, people are not working in my best interest. I co-headlined with JOE SATRIANI in ’97 and there is no reason why this tour should have been any different and that is how it was presented to me.

The 25 years MSG celebration album — „Tales of Rock ’n‘ Roll“ — is almost mixed. Leif (Sundin) and Chris (Logan) are working on the last song and we will have all singers of the total 25-year career of MSG on this CD. It is an exciting and fantastic album.

To the best fans in the world …all my love.“

Quelle: Blabbermouth

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