Leather Strip
Songtext von Fan gesucht


Claus Larsen wird zusammen mit einem Fan einen neuen Song für LEATHER STRIP schreiben, dabei gibt es bei dem Texten keine Grenzen:

„I had a dream the other night. I had an idea for a new „free“ song. The way I want to do it this time is to involve you guys in the process. I want anyone who feels like it to write the lyric / words for the song. You got 100% artistic freedom and I wont change a word in the lyric I choose. There wont be any money crap involved at all, so after I write the song for your words, it will be the next „free song“ for all the friends. I will read every single word you write and I won’t make any music before the text is chosen, so the words will be the main thing I will build the song around. And not the other way around. I hope you like the idea and agree to the conditions.

No money involved for me or you. The price is „something“ to tell your grandkids about. „Listen Wilma and Brutus, I wrote the words for this song, the guy trying to sing is some fat old guy from Denmark“. And what do I get out of it, well it’s a chance for me to work with the people who actually listen to my work, and I know that all the contributions will inspire my ass off. I also get a chance to enter your sick minds and learn all your secrets. That’s always entertaining.

Anyway I thought it could be fun for all. So get writing, You got one month from today to mail in the stuff at claus.leaetherstrip@gmail.com.
Hope you like the idea.“

Wer also seine Textideen loswerden möchte, schreibt eine Mail: (Link)
Mehr zu LEATHER STRIP unter diesem (Link).

Quelle: Alfa-Matrix

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