

DEW-SCENTEDs neues Album wird „Impact“ heißen und am 25. August über Nuclear Blast Records erscheinen. Die normale Albumversion wird folgende Tracklist enthalten: 01. Acts Of Rage (4:03), 02. New Found Pain (3:05), 03. Destination Hell (2:55), 04. Soul Poison (4:02), 05. Cities Of The Dead (4:48), 06. Down My Neck (5:50), 07. One By One (3:36), 08. Agony Designed (3:49), 09. Slaughtervain (4:27), 10. Flesh Reborn (4:06), 11. 18 Hours (3:25). Die Bonustracks des Digipacks sind folgende: „Force-Fed [The Bleeding Scheme]“ und „Hobbit Motherfuckers“ (TURBONEGRO-Cover). Zusätzlich dazu hat die Band noch METALLICAs „Metal Militia“ gecovert und ihren eigenen Song „Skybound“ (vomm 99er Album „Ill-Natured“) neu aufgelegt. Diese beiden sollen später auch als Bonustracks verwendet werden. Sänger Leif Jensen hatte dazu folgendes zu sagen: „We can gladly announce that we managed to nail down all 15 tracks we wanted to do together with Andy Classen at Stage One studio during the last weeks (May-June) and can I promise you that the album sounds mind-blowing! Andy has managed to take the level of intensity even one (a big one…) step further in comparison to [2002’s] ‚Inwards‘ and we can’t thank him enough for the KILLER job he has done! Cheers, brother! The riffs are poisonous on this record and Uwe has certainly delivered his best drum performance ever on D-S albums! By the way: We have noticed that it has been quite an advantage having Hendrik as solid member of the band ever since the release of ‚Inwards‘ because it adds yet another edge to our music to have 2 lead guitar players for the songs and he also took care of the bass-lines for the new album. Why? Well, Patrick is still helping us out for live-shows around the time being but unfortunately hasn’t had much time to focus on the band lately…“

Galerie mit 20 Bildern: Dew Scented - Rockharz 2017
Quelle: Nuclear Blast

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