God Dethroned
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Die holländischen Todesmetaller von GOD DETHRONED haben bekannt gegeben, dass sie sich Ende des Jahres leider auflösen werden.

Lest das Statement von GOD DETHRONED-Mainman Henri Sattler: „For a Nihilist, nothing is at least something. 2011 is GOD DETHRONEDs final year in existence.

We could have spent another year in a tourbus because the amount of offers was endless, but I just don’t feel like touring anymore. People told me to take a break for a year or maybe two, but as I’m an „all, or nothing at all“ type of person, I decided to call it quits. Not immediately, but in December of this year we will definitely play our last show. That’s gonna be at the Eindhoven Metal Meeting in Holland. I’m very proud of what we achieved with the band, but the time has come for new challenges. I would like to thank all of our fans for their support for all these years.“

Galerie mit 8 Bildern: God Dethroned - Eindhoven Metal Meeting 2022
Quelle: Metal Blade Records

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